Everyone has been asking for damage photos, so I give you the obligatory gas station awning destruction.
I have to admit, I was a little nervous returning this morning, wondering how well the MITOC ran all night without me watching over it. Turns out there were no problems., all systems nominal! We did have a small problem with the router wanting to restart every hour or so, which would bring down the network for less than 60 seconds (more of an annoyance than anything). Turning off UPnP seems to have fixed that problem.
Bad news, the Salvation Army has moved on to other areas. Good new, the FEMA camp should be set up in time for dinner tonight, but looks like lunch will be MREs. And my digestive system was just about back to normal! The camp will also have washers and dryers, which is good, since I'll run out of clean clothes tomorrow.
Driving around this morning in the daylight was interesting. Mile long gas lines at the few stations with generators, miles and miles of utility trucks, and debris all over the road. It's like another world.
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